이시카와 카즈하루 in 한국 !

이시카와 카즈하루 's work was born
in "SODA" in Octorber, 2016.

SODA is the Space of Ddesign and Architecture,
so good newest Modern Art Museum, since 2015,
located on 화성시, 경기도.
This place used to be a bathhouse.
The peculiarity gives the artists and the visitors
several interesting situations.
Various works have developed there.

Then, I was invited to the exhibition
titled "HIDE and SEEK".

In this intaerview, I was taiking about the theme.
" I drew my family.
And I planned my work to enjoy this SODA's space.
I made a very private part of an artist full exposure.
A person is different from a person, but probably
a person and a person have some same place.
That's why we can enjoy ART, I think.
I hope you seek and find such a same place
hiding inside of our difference. "
I named my work " Private Report from Hiroshima ".

This work is shown untill the last day of 2017.

